Friday, November 13, 2009

London Fan Event Robert Animated Banner

Le shock! I accidentally created this banner for Robsessed. As in, I cannot -- for the life of me -- remember how I made it. Clearly the fact that I'm posting it at nearly 3AM is proof enough that I'm half-asleep.

I pretty much stumbled through my PS brushes and filters and this banner of Robert Pattinson from the London Fan Event was the result. Poor Rob looked really tired in these images so I was forced to desaturate. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm floored that the banner unintentionally looks like a letter. Trial and error never looked so good. :)

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Twilusted Rant: Rob's clothes were Le Horribleh but it ain't Rob if it isn't Hobolicious! Skinny gals like Kristen make neon chiffon curtains look decent. And what was Chris thinking when he chose to raid MC Hammer's closet for this event? Besides the dapper-looking Taylor, everyone looked like an aBOMBmination. Poor London's Fashion Police had to work overtime that night.

1 comment:

  1. Very Impressive yet again! Your talent with photoshop is amazing! Would you ever grace me with a banner for my blog?
