Monday, November 23, 2009

Dazzle Me Robert Pattinson Animated Banner

Robert Pattinson never fails to dazzle me with his sexy self so here's an animated banner for you ladies of Robsessed that portrays his gorgeous eyes, his fucktastic smirk and a hint of his luscious tongue. I don't smoke but I think I need a cigarette now. :)

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You're missing out if you haven't checked out Goz, Dani and Kate's blog of all things Robert Pattinson. Go now to join the addiction for goodness' sakes!

Images used were from Rob's appearance in Tokyo, London and The Today Show in New York, 2009.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

3 iRobsten Wallpapers

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Right-click, save and lick! Please drop a comment, I would love to hear from you.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Spot Me Twilusted At New Moon Premiere In LA

OMFSquee, I'm quasi-famous yo! I've just discovered that my neon green "Twilusted 4 Twilight" banner was spotted on many live feeds and on television from The Twilight Saga: New Moon movie premiere that I was at this past Monday. Woot! How cool is that? If you spotted me, can you please give me the link? I need to be sure I wasn't caught picking my nose. :)

My neon green banner...

Me and my newfound friends behind the barricade...

My autographed banner and free Twilight: New Moon gear...

Here are a few photos of us from across the street that I captured. All of my RL friends missed out due to work or school but that didn't stop me from going and I lucked out by meeting some of the most amazing Twi-Friends from the event. Much love and many thanks to @twiheart36 and @smiley2131 from Pensacola, Florida for allowing me to join you at the best fan location ever. Hugs to Hilary, Meredith and Mom from Ontario, Canada for keeping me entertained. Waves to @andibabii33, @lisanandrews and @maryhollywood from Anaheim for the deets of the event. Hello to my numerous Twitter friends whom I couldn't meet up with when you were amongst the chaotic mess due to my cell phone fail. And lastly, a massive leg-hitch to my Twitter friends who encouraged my adventure and for being there with me in spirit. My first experience with star sightings was made more special by all of you fellow Twi-Fans and I'm incredibly thankful. I ♥ you all, hard!

Photos and vids of other stars from the event soon to come!

New Moon Premiere Robert Animated Banners

Robert Pattinson exuded more confidence and happiness on the red carpet at The Twilight Saga: New Moon movie premiere last Monday than ever. I was there to witness it and he was not as self-deprecating and much less awkward than usual. His appeal has grown ten times fold for me. I love seeing him happy so these banners for Robsessed capture that, hope you like them ladies!

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Blue Cyan...
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I Saw Robert Pattinson In The Flesh!

OMF! Robert Pattinson is a million times more gorgeous in person, if that's even possible! Yes, I was lucky enough to have seen HHH in the flesh at The Twilight Saga: New Moon Premiere in Los Angeles, CA on Monday, November 16th, 2009. And yes, I have sinned! I admit to screaming like a teenager when he showed up. I'm guilty as charged.

Photo Source: Mr.Pattinson

When you're at the event, the explosive energy of the crowd and the presence of His Holy Hotness was all encompassing. Everyone was hysterical with excitement and I couldn't help but be overjoyed to see him running across the street towards us to sign his autograph, which I didn't get btw. Rob was just one autograph shy of giving me one and his manager Nick made him turn away from me. He was so close! I felt his body heat and he smelled like rainbows and sunshine. My knees literally turned to jello!

Photo Source: via Robsessed

I am NSY, he was fuckgloriously hot! Robert made my first star sighting experience worth it. You name it; sleep deprivation, loss of energy and appetite, feet pain from my cute high heels, sleep deprivation from prior night's anxiety, body aches from sitting while waiting and a hoarse throat from all the screaming that I promised I would never do. Every bit of it was worth it. I'd love me a bum massage (English accent) by Rob right now.

Scream Alert!!!

I have vids of Robert but it's very little visibility due to shaking from my RobHigh adrenaline. Also, my mind was disoriented from Rob's beauty that most times, the camcorder hung from my wrists, forgotten. I was holding my green banner and sharpies while juggling a camcorder and camera. Sheesh, I didn't have enough hands!

Scream Alert!!!

OMFSquee, at least I got one good photo capture of Rob's profile with his chiseled Jawporn and scruffilicious stubble.


Also, one photo capture of Rob's sexhair, woot! I'm NSY, it can be spotted from a mile away. Note the security gaurds, half of them were holding the metal barricades back to keep the fans from toppling over.


My photobucket only allows HQ, but I also have Rob in UHQ in my DSLR camera. Life is good. :) More updates of my New Moon Premiere experience and autographs soon. Also, pics of Kristen, Taylor, Dakota, Jamie and more to come.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I Support Fandom Gives Back ALSF

Who knew auctioning for a good cause could be so addicting? I'm hooked! Auction boards are up and running, beginning on November 15th at 10am EST and ending on November 20th at 11:59pm EST (8:59pm PST). Go put in your pledge now! Once you start, you can't stop. Until the auction ends, that is. :)

Check out Official Fandom Gives Back Website for additional details and whatnot.

You can also make donations through Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation fundraising!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Claire's Twilight Fan Encounter At London Fan Event

OMFSquee! My über lucky Twitter friend Claire, from across the pond, took the adventure of a lifetime to go see Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Chris Weitz at the London Fan Event this past Wednesday. Look at Rob's scruff!


Claire's Recap: The adventure started at 8.30am on the 10th November. I put my little boy in the taxi to school and hubby drove me to get my first bus of the day. That got me to Exeter where I had an hour and a half wait for bus number two! This one took me to Heathrow where I got bus number three to my friends in Northampton where I was spending the night on her sofa! I got there at about 8.30pm. Twelve hours travelling so far and I wasn’t in London yet!

8.45am the next morning
THE morning! Taxi collected me and took me to the train station. An hour later I was finally in London. But the wrong end of London. So then next hour was spent on the underground. By now I was no longer alone. I’d met two friends on the train. But they had tickets so when we got to Battersea Park at about 11am we were split up and I was on my own again! Still they were a great bunch of girls in the red carpet line.

Things were going well until the rain! No umbrella! But managed to share one so I wouldn’t look like a drowned rat in front of HIM.

So we waited, and waited. At about 3pm they started letting us through to the red carpet. It was getting closer! I got lucky and got right to the front of the barrier. I had my spot; I had my copy of Vanity Fair and New Moon postcard. I’d re-done my make up, I was ready. Now we just had
another three hours to wait.

The cameras and film crews started setting up; they lit the fire cauldrons and set up the big screens. There was a lot to watch. And then the film crews started filming us. I lost count how many times they asked us to scream! I got interviewed by someone (no idea who, turned out
it was for an online newspaper). The tension was building.

The show started about 6pm. They showed the trailers and got some actors dressed up as Vampires and Werewolves. All very nice, but not what we had got so cold and wet for. But we didn’t have long to wait.

A car with blacked out windows pulled up. We held our breath. And then............Robert Pattinson was on the red carpet! He was there, right there!

Because I was near the front of the line, closer to the entrance, we had to wait. But I could see him getting closer and closer.

And then he was there. Standing right in front of me. He was gloriously scruffy with stubble and a brown overcoat, heavenly! For a few brief second I got to look right into his eyes. Oh my! I’m still not sure if they’re blue or green, but they’re beautiful. And then he had to move along. But he signed my Vanity Fair! And I got to watch him along the rest of the line. And from where I was I could watch him give his interviews and press photos.

Taylor was next. He’s very sweet, very polite and smaller than I was expecting. And then we got Chris. He was lovely and actually thanked us for being there!

Lastly we got Kristen. I know she has a reputation for being a little aloof, but she was so nice, and very apologetic that she couldn’t spend longer with us.

We watched them get interviewed and photographed again. And then it was over. By 8pm I was heading for a cab to take me to my hotel.

And guess what the next day brought? Yep a long bus ride home! But this time I could have floated there.

Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket

Thanks sweets for sharing! I hope I can get as close to HHH as you did hun! Check out Claire's Twitter here!

New Moon Movie Premiere Live Feed is broadcasting a live feed of The Twilight Saga: New Moon movie premiere in Westwood, LA this Monday at 5:00 PM. Feeds never work for me most times but theirs was amazing for last year's Twilight movie premiere.


I'll be in LA this year for the premiere so you might see me on the feed. I'll be quasi-famous yo! :)

I'm Going To The New Moon LA Premiere!

I inadvertantly chose this week for my vacation and only just realized yesterday that the premiere for The Twilight Saga: New Moon was this coming Monday in LA. I'm seriously considering on being there for HHH. posts...

But when I checked, it doesn't list the event anymore. Anyhow, Summit confirmed the date and location so I might as well try to see the Twilight cast.

I don't know the deets on how early to be there but I hope I can play it by luck and be in front of the fan area with my DSLR camera, my MPEG4 recorder, an image or mag of Robert Pattinson for autographs and a few sharpies because I know he takes off with them. How I'm going to find enough hands for all of that, I don't know. I sure hope my friends will be off from work to go with me. If not, let me know if you'll be attending this event. I would love to meet my Twilight Twitter friends there. :)

London Fan Event Robert Animated Banner

Le shock! I accidentally created this banner for Robsessed. As in, I cannot -- for the life of me -- remember how I made it. Clearly the fact that I'm posting it at nearly 3AM is proof enough that I'm half-asleep.

I pretty much stumbled through my PS brushes and filters and this banner of Robert Pattinson from the London Fan Event was the result. Poor Rob looked really tired in these images so I was forced to desaturate. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm floored that the banner unintentionally looks like a letter. Trial and error never looked so good. :)

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Twilusted Rant: Rob's clothes were Le Horribleh but it ain't Rob if it isn't Hobolicious! Skinny gals like Kristen make neon chiffon curtains look decent. And what was Chris thinking when he chose to raid MC Hammer's closet for this event? Besides the dapper-looking Taylor, everyone looked like an aBOMBmination. Poor London's Fashion Police had to work overtime that night.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Red Smoking Hot Robsten Banner

Seeing as how Kristina has been such a doll, I wanted to show her how much I appreciated her time during my html fail this week. I hope you like this banner of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, aptly named 'Red Smoking Hot Robsten'. It's a collage of a few of their joint appearances over the past two years. Let me know if you have trouble with the animation of the banner on your website since it is a gif image.

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If you haven't checked out her blog, I suggest you get....get bitten, that is. :) Check it out at Bitten By Blogging, it's an amazing site of all things Twilight.

Twilusted Blog Modifications

Yippee! I am now relieved to say that Twilusted Blog has a new layout with a working header/banner and comment box. Oh happy, happy, joy, joy! I've been trying to implement a 3 Column template for a week and was nearly at my wits end until I found Free XML Blogger Templates. I also added a few mods here and there but most are still a work in progress.

The old layout...

The new layout...

Humongo thanks to the fabulous Kristina from Bitten By Blogging for offering to help me during my html knowledge fail. Your html codes didn't work for the previous 3 Column templates I had but your efforts are greatly appreciated hun. Smooches!

Now that I'm super duper content with my blogger design and layout, I can go back to my Photoshop creations without further distractions. It's possible I'm still shocked from the affirmation of Robsten -- Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart's hand-holding photos from Paris. :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Daedalus In Exile FF Banner

I love @ezrocksangel's current Twilight Fanfic, Daedalus In Exile. I'm sure she already has a banner for this fic but I had a vision of this beautiful story and decided to create it in Photoshop. I hope you guys like it. :P

If you haven't read this fic, it's phenomenol. Totes recommended! Check it out here.

P.S. This'll be my 2nd fan-made fan fiction banner, the first one was for @AngstGoddess003's Wide Awake.

Brown Vanity Fair Robert Animated Banner

Hobolicious and sex-driven Rob. Need I say more? Lol, yes ladies of Robsessed, I have another banner for you depicting just this. I told you these Vanity Fair/Bruce Weber Robert Pattinson photos were going to be at my mercy. Down to the very last drop. Muahaha.

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If you haven't noticed as of yet, I've recently made some changes to my blog template. It's now the 3 Column Minima Black. I am clueless as to why I can't get my header/banner to reflect even after it's been uploaded. Can someone help me please?

Christian Serratos Strips For PETA

Wa-wa-wowza! If I looked as good as Christian Serratos naked, I wouldn't wear fur either. :P I kid, I kid. Fist pumps for your support for PETA @cserratos! Is it possible that I'm girlcrushing even harder now for her? Check out the ad here at Twitpic.

Photobucket reports: "Twilight" star Christian Serratos has become the youngest star ever to peel off for PETA's iconic 'Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur' ads by posing provocatively against a tree in a misty forest.

The pretty 19 year old, who plays Angela in the film franchise, brings new blood to the animal rights campaign.

The vegetarian star says, "I've always been opposed to slaughtering, eating and wearing carcasses."

Sunday, November 8, 2009

My Twilife Blog With Twilusted Banner

Not to toot my own horn but I just wanted to say, Jessica, your website looks incredible -- very visually dynamic. I'm glad the banner fits in well with your overall website design. *toots horn* :D


If you haven't checked out her Twilight site, visit here.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Harper's Bazaar Robert & Kristen Banner

At the request of Jessica from My Twilife blog, I created them a new banner. I tried to incorporate her most favorite images/outtakes from the Harper's Bazaar/Mark Seliger photoshoot but somehow this is what materialized. I also couldn't find your original font and used another one instead. I hope you like it bb!

If you haven't checked out their blog, you should! It's pure awesomeness of Twilight news all in one site.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Green Vanity Fair Robert Animated Banner

These Vanity Fair/Bruce Weber images of Robert Pattinson have inspired the creativity chip that's currently lodged in my brain. Tehehe, that's a good thing. Here is another animated banner for my ladies of Robsessed. OMF, it's of Rob getting dressed after your hot green forest sexin' -- smoking and smoldering and... I think this visual calls for a ciggie. :D

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Half My Self Blog Moves To Blogger

My equally obsessed Twi-Bestie, Nellie, has now moved her blog from LiveJournal to Blogger! I helped her design the banner and website which is a personal scrapbook blog of her love for all things Twilight and Robert Pattinson. If you haven't visited, go check it out here! She always up-to-date with Twilight-related news.


Follow her @half_my_self

Twilusted Blog Reaches 700 Twitter Followers

W00t w00t! I've reached 700 followers via Twitter since a few days ago and I am deeply appreciative of your love and support for Twilusted. You all make my heart swell!

A big shoutout to Twilusted's 50 followers via Blogger! Who knew there were so many Twilight pervs out there who want to follow me in my lust for all things Twilight?


P.S. Yes, I created that Twitter background of Robert Pattinson from the Vanity Fair/Bruce Weber photoshoot on my account. It's featured here along with a few other desktop wallpaper designs.

Follow me @twilusted

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blue Vanity Fair Robert Animated Banner

Time for another Vanity Fair/Bruce Weber animated banner for my ladies of Robsessed. Blue and beached piano Robert Pattinson drinking beer! Thud!

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How about those Harper's Bazaar outtakes of Robert & Kristen yesterday huh? OMFGspot, I about died. Robvember has been surprises o'plenty!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Vanity Fair Robert Pattinson Desktop Wallpaper

Those images of Robert Pattinson from the Vanity Fair/Bruce Weber photoshoot are fucklicious to the 10th degree! There was JawPorn, Stubble, SexHair, Piano, Corn, Sex-Driven People Book, Ciggie, Blankie and Skankles (skinny ankles). Gah, how much more can this woman and her lady bits take? As promised, I created 3 desktop wallpapers for my lovely Twilusters. Right-click, lick and save! The first RobWall can also be used for Twitter. :)

Forest Green Robert Pattinson
Getting it on with Rob in the forest is hot
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Ocean Blue Robert Pattinson
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Midnight Dream Robert Pattinson
Comtemplating Rob is what naughty dreams are made of
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Monday, November 2, 2009

B&W Vanity Fair Robert Animated Banner

These newly released images from Vanity Fair's December 2009 issue of Robert Pattinson, shot by Bruce Weber, are unfuckingbelievably Robgasmic! This black & white animated banner for Robsessed will be the first of many from this VF 2009 photoshoot.

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Check back for desktop wallpapers, I'll have those up soon!