Sunday, December 6, 2009

RPattzdom Fights Back!

Yes, I have to admit that we're in the midst of a 'drought' when it comes to Robert Pattinson during his much-deserved hiatus but I will never condone a pap's assfuckery for taking pictures of him where it's unwelcomed. Unfortunately for Rob last Friday night, he was hounded by the Paparazzi on his boy's night out at The Hotel Cafe.

These photos were horrific! The paps captured a cowering Rob against a wall, hiding his face behind hands and ball cap. It's beyond comprehension for me the extent of low-lifed fuckery these scum-sucking shitmongers do to make money off of celebrity sightings. Their invasion of a Rob's personal space should not be condoned and you're participation in Thinking of Rob's awesome idea will make our RPattzdom a benevolent force of Protestors against Paparazzis. Take a picture of yourself in your best anti-paparazzi pose and email to with your Twitter name or blog/website address. The reponse has been overwhelming and your support is greatly appreciated.

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Instead of viewing those immorally-taken pap pics of RPattz, go check out Twitard's hilarious re-enactment with OPattz. I laughed so hard I think I gave myself a brain aneurysm.

For more news, check out @Clairererj's Respect Rob blog. Thanks hun for giving me the opportunity to design a banner for your site.

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He doesn't want this...neither do we, leave Robert alone.


  1. Thanks for the shout hun. And I love your banner, it look fab on the blog! Lets hope we can make some diffrence! If you want to send me anything for the blog please do, either pics or text. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Bonjour,

    Tu devrais faire attention prabably nouvelles photos sur la RP où il est totalement sans tracas par des paparazzi, où il ne peut même pas mettre un pied devant l'autre et ne peut pas respirer juste.

    Alors si comme moi vous aimez Robert Pattinson, si comme moi, cela vous irrite, vous dégoûte et que vous faire du mal à le voir triste, chassé et traqué, s'il vous plaît circuler cette pétition sur votre site, forum ou blog et que tous ceux que vous personn pense qu'il le pouvez aussi signer.

    Parce que chacun a le droit au respect ni moralement ou physiquement et vie privée. Merci ... pour lui.
