Monday, May 30, 2011

Robert Pattinson Cosmopolis Manhattan Banner

When the first movie still of Robert Pattinson as Eric Packer in "Cosmopolis" was viral, I was giddy with joy. When the fan/papp photos of Rob on the set of Cosmopolis exploded on the internet, so did my ovaries. Oh Robric Packinson, why must thou render me speechless? Of course, what better way to celebrate then to create a banner for Robsessed.

It's not my best work but I'm slowly learning how to extract Rob in Photoshop CS5.

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Robert Pattinson Robowski Banner

Thanks to my lovely baby sister, I now have Photoshop. Even better, it's the latest version, CS5! I'm in the mood to create RobPorn but first things first. A banner for Robsessed is due. These images of Robert Pattinson are from an unknown photographer, taken in 2010 around the time he was filming "Water For Elephants". Rob starred at Jacob Jankowski and his on-screen presence was riveting. If you haven't seen this movie, shame on you!

I hope you love these images of Rob as much as I do. LashPorn, FingerPorn, CiggyPorn galore! This is Robowski at his finest.

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